Casey Wardynski, once considered to be the great white hope sent to restore the order and save civilization from denigrating socialist policy, is now purporting a system of socialist indoctrination to overcome the shortcomings of good white-folk families and the incompetance of educators who themselves lack self-discipline.
Tag: Glass Ceiling
Hillaryous Prophecy: The Homeless Will Have Mini Homes
I don’t mean to suggest that it’s an uncomplicated equation. Even still, individual situations can be evaluated and then building materials, propane, carbon monoxide detectors, solar panels, and maybe even electric and water hook-ups, can be provided resulting in a more responsible “due diligence” when the well-being of the individual is placed ahead of political agendas and arbitrary regulation that has no legal validity in context anyway.
Pussy Riots Upended By Putin
The brave young nubiles taking a stand for women everywhere. Then again, depending on your perspective, you might just see a touch of satire in Putin’s sanctions.
Mary Winkler Is Sorry Secure Yourself To Heaven!
Now we all could become amoung the “frozen Cho’s in!” And, speaking of double standards in this once great US of A, I still gaze in awe at how women continue to get away with murder, and then yell “harassment” and “glass ceiling” in the workplace. Never mind the little slut comes to work wearing […]
Atlanta Gives Homeless Niggers The Boot
Feminist whore and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wants to run off all them yard niggers in downtown Atlanta ’cause they don’t look good, or smell good, or behave jest like masser wants ’em too. Schoose me, some of dat dar’ dirty rubbed off jest from readin’ the article in Tuesday’s USA Today. (I’m a white […]