Tag: Genetic Profiling

Nazi Bastards 1… 2… 3…

First, here’s a limerick I whooped up: Captain my captain, please tell me, is that a white elephant, or censorship I see? Nazi bastard 1… 2… 3… Editorial — 2012.07.09 I saw Arizona Senator John McCain, a Vietnam Veteran & once POW, making the rounds on the Sunday morning political talk shows this week. Same […]


There was a reason why it was called “Independence Day,” aka the 4th of July. In the beginning, the American colonies got together and decided they didn’t much care for the oppressive tyranny of the English Crown and King George. Thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives so that we might live independently. And, incidentally, […]

John Roberts Is Dangerous

This is a column I published about John Roberts in 2009. This man is the real deal. He’s done real damage. He is dangerous. He must be impeached…that is what the Republicans should be saying…they aren’t…because he is their idea to begin with. 2009.04.23 — Editorial Impeach John Roberts And The Supreme Court The Supreme […]

How Serious Is Assisted Murder?

The Supreme Court this week upheld Oregon’s doctor assisted suicide law. You gotta wonder where their brains are on that one. While it certainly seems plausible for the dieing cancer patient to argue their right to pass with dignity, one simply cannot dismiss the potential implications and abuses that comes with allowing one human being […]