In fact, in spite of the fact that McCarver is not a rookie, he looks an awful lot like both William Eric Freeman and Danny Golden, both Huntsville cops that got themselves killed largely with their own stupidity. What did McCarver do wrong? Plenty. First, like the two rookies mentioned, McCarver apparently acted impetuously. He knew he was responding to a situation where there had already been violence, he could see that John Lee Bullard was twice his size, and yet he went ahead and confronted Bullard without any backup what-so-ever. In fact, other bus riders had to utilize the radio in McCarver’s squad car to call for assistance. How stupid is that?
Tag: Genetic Profiling
A Man Called Boy
Somewhere Over The DOMA
At some point, you have to wonder whether what you have is a Roman orgy, or maybe it’s just a universal healthcare insurance co-op.
THEY DID NOT DIE so that you would become a virtual prisoner in your own home, the only place you can actually be without being stalked or under surveillance, assuming you use no telecommunications.
Roberts Supreme Court Advances Ethnic Cleansing Under Obamacare
God bless Angelina Jolie if she wants to cut ‘em off to avoid a problem down the road. But would you have made the same decision?
Obama’s POTUS SOTU | Rubio’s Sacred Cow
Some pundits described Obama’s State of the Union address tonight as “conciliatory.” I’m not sure I understand the sentiment behind the perspective. I would have characterized the President’s remarks, in the wake of the election, almost as cliché, or maybe non-descript, and maybe more aptly as an introduction to Marco Rubio. Not that he didn’t […]
New York Secedes : A New Nation Dedicated To Genetic Profiling
For those of you grown accustomed to looking at the world though the cynical eyes of jaded satire – this isn’t satire. It is the real thing.
NRA President David Keene Puts The 2nd Amendment On Slippery Slope
In the wake of Sandy Hook, David Keene, President of the NRA, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation this morning. During the interview Bob Schieffer miopically declared that it has been shown in cultures where there are no guns, there is less gun violence. What Bob, and even Mr. Keene, failed to point […]
Sandy Hook Tipping Point Constitutional Last Straw
Make no mistake. I am grieved by the loss of the innocent children and adults in the Sandy Hook massacre. Never-the-less, there are many, many complex issues and problems…
Alabama Representative Mike Ball Responds To Sandy Hook Challenge
When I read this article on featuring Alabama State Representative Mike Ball’s response to the Sandy Hook massacre, I decided to send him an email. Immediately below is his glib reply and following is the original email I sent him.
Romney Out Grinched By Romney
After months of assuring the republican rank and file he would – on his “first day” in office – repeal the entire ACA, Romney this week announced his support for “some parts” of the health care bill. It was after all his baby born in Michigan, grown to a toddler during Obama’s first term, and […]
Bane Romney Who?
As predicted, not another word about Mitt Romney’s association to the Batman Hollywood “Bane” conspiracy and James Holmes and the Aurora massacre. Romney deftly changed focus by insulting the British in regard to Olympic preparedness. The obedient media dutifully followed. The power of money unseen. And, once again, the white elephant is silently highlighted by […]