Tag: genetic engineering

Obama’s POTUS SOTU | Rubio’s Sacred Cow

Some pundits described Obama’s State of the Union address tonight as “conciliatory.” I’m not sure I understand the sentiment behind the perspective. I would have characterized the President’s remarks, in the wake of the election, almost as cliché, or maybe non-descript, and maybe more aptly as an introduction to Marco Rubio. Not that he didn’t […]

Romney Out Grinched By Romney

After months of assuring the republican rank and file he would – on his “first day” in office – repeal the entire ACA, Romney this week announced his support for “some parts” of the health care bill. It was after all his baby born in Michigan, grown to a toddler during Obama’s first term, and […]

Bane Romney Who?

As predicted, not another word about Mitt Romney’s association to the Batman Hollywood “Bane” conspiracy and James Holmes and the Aurora massacre. Romney deftly changed focus by insulting the British in regard to Olympic preparedness. The obedient media dutifully followed. The power of money unseen. And, once again, the white elephant is silently highlighted by […]