Tag: FBI

Hillaryous | Obama Radicalized, Seditious

What is naive, is to think the US government is unaware and unable to stop terrorism before it happens. Donald J. Trump admitted he knew about 911, but people still don’t seem to get it. Terrorism is planned decades in advance. The ONLY way to end the terrorism facilitated by a government, CIA, FBI and MIC that are already radicalized and ultra-extreme is to stop voting for the establishment radicals – whether they are career politicians or not.

What About Kenneth Shipp?

I’m surprised that Shipp’s attorney’s didn’t pursue a temporary insanity defense. Although we know that the standard of insanity defense in the State of Alabama is so high, that it is virtually never successful. In my opinion, while Kenneth Shipp might have acted irresponsibly in some ways, and it does seem obvious that he picked up his gun and pulled the trigger, the aggravating circumstances add up to manslaughter and twenty years – not life in prison.

Tommy Battle, Lewis Morris And Systemic Municipal Corruption

That a jailer can’t see someone is dying because it’s too expensive to bother with, that a poorly trained police officer finds it more efficient to kill someone wielding a knife because it’s “in accordance with Departmental policies,” and he can get away with it, that gang violence in the jail can go totally unchecked allowing an innocent victim to be brutally murdered, that the promotion of Lewis Morris Jr. actually stands as an endorsement of child molestation and torture… are all the exemplary results of the attitude that Tommy Battle embraces.

Obama Smoked One Joint Too Many

The rhetoric is false, deceptive, and dangerous. For Obama and the gun control nuts, this is still the United States of America, and there is still a constitutional process involved in changing policy and laws. The 2nd amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own a shotgun for hunting, it does recognize your unalienable right to […]