Tag: Conspiracy

Debate II – Ho Hum Conundrum

Rancorous maybe, but I really didn’t see the second debate as exceptional amoung debates. Obama did as expected. He sharpened focus and displayed more assertiveness. Romney was predictable as usual, flip flopping consistently. Neither offered any new information, and only reinforced their agenda in the debate. No wonder then that the media, and some of […]

Presidential Reality Check

The reality is, you have been lied to by both major political parties. Understanding what is important in this election depends on understanding what is real, and what is true. The United States economy is in decline. The fact is, since the inevitable lowering of trade barriers decades ago through NAFTA and GATT, jobs in […]

Bane Romney Who?

As predicted, not another word about Mitt Romney’s association to the Batman Hollywood “Bane” conspiracy and James Holmes and the Aurora massacre. Romney deftly changed focus by insulting the British in regard to Olympic preparedness. The obedient media dutifully followed. The power of money unseen. And, once again, the white elephant is silently highlighted by […]

Media Telecom Racketeering

WEB DEVELOPERS are trying too hard to reinvent the same page that looks the same, and essentially functions the same, as it did when it weighed only 10% of the newer version. IE 9 & 10 are only the focal point of a racketeering conspiracy to render a perfectly functional, older, computer obsolete, thereby extorting […]

NCAC Folly And Corruption

Response to E. Chris Newlin, executive director National Children’s Advocacy Center re: Letter To The Editor; Huntsville Times, June 6, 2012 The bottom line, Mr(s). Newlin, is for whatever apparently ineffective good the NCAC accomplishes, it is already deeply involved in “politically correct” child molestation on more than one level. Apparently, you’ve taken your cues […]

Lee High School Bus Crash Conspiracy

REVISION (2014.06.07): It should be noted that State of Alabama DOT officials have never explained publicly why they removed EVERY gate from ALL fenced areas under the elevated portions of I565 in Huntsville, from Oakwood Ave. to Jordan Lane, three months before the Lee Bus Massacre. The removal of the gate on Church Street did facilitate fast access to the bus crash and the victims, however, prescience seems to be indicated.

TOCC TV – A Dwarf Star Is Born

Digging through some more of the totally defunct archives that usually get the term “morgue” because they are no longer available anywhere, and in fact maybe hard for me to even find because I’ve got computer files on 1.5″ floppies, cds, dvd discs, zips, flashes, portable backup discs, crashed hard-drives, and more than one working computer – I finally found the very first page that was the inception of TOCC TV.