Tag: Conservative

Old White Guys Reinvented

“Old White Guys” – sounds kinda racist, doesn’t it. For the record, I resent that term. Although I don’t affiliate with the Republican party, I am a white guy, but only considered old by half the population. There is much rhetoric these days about what the Republican party must do to reinvent itself to once […]

Twittering The Great Debate!

I am pleased to announce, although not running as a republican (I am Independent), I will be the only conservative participating in tomorrow night’s presidential debate. That as a result of Mitt Romney once again demonstrating himself to be a liberal democrat, flippy flopping on his pledge to oppose illegal immigration. I believe I recall […]

Roy Moore Leading The Blind Astray

Today’s newspaper reports that Roy Moore, (previously) Alabama’s “Ten Commandments” Supreme Court Chief justice is following in my footsteps declaring his approbation for and the virtues of the United States Constitution. His biggest concern is his perception that the states should have more authority than now afforded by the federal government. He is the Republican […]


There was a reason why it was called “Independence Day,” aka the 4th of July. In the beginning, the American colonies got together and decided they didn’t much care for the oppressive tyranny of the English Crown and King George. Thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives so that we might live independently. And, incidentally, […]

Obama’s Wetback Folly

Incidentally, I consider illegal immigration a hate crime against black men. It seems to me that Obama placed the fatal bullet in his own foot when he endorsed gay marriage. It was said he capitulated because he needed the money, from suspect sources, for the campaign. Suspect sources, Mitt Romney’s bosses too, are the aristocrats […]

Obama’s Wetback Folly

Incidentally, I consider illegal immigration a hate crime against black men. It seems to me that Obama placed the fatal bullet in his own foot when he endorsed gay marriage. It was said he capitulated because he needed the money, from suspect sources, for the camping. Suspect sources, Mitt Romney’s bosses too, are the aristocrats […]

Thirty Pesos For Grinch

I have to admit I was a little surprised this week when Alabama voted for Rick Santorum. It was only in the last two weeks that he showed himself to be a religious nutcase when he challenged remarks by John F. Kennedy asserting separation of church and state, and his disinclination to take orders from […]