The impending move of the Downtown Rescue Mission has sparked a mean spirited and hate filled public debate. Some people apparently believe that some other people are less than human and must be relegated to an official caste without basic human rights, less dignity that a dirty wet dog, and nothing more nutritional to eat than “scooby snacks.”
Tag: Caste
Alabama Brody Bill Ultimate Legal Hypocrisy
Never underestimate the histrionic whims of an Alabama politician. Or, for that matter, the histrionic whims of the entire Alabama legislature. Indeed, Alabama has just set the highest standard for the worst law possible.
Atlanta Gives Homeless Niggers The Boot
Feminist whore and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wants to run off all them yard niggers in downtown Atlanta ’cause they don’t look good, or smell good, or behave jest like masser wants ’em too. Schoose me, some of dat dar’ dirty rubbed off jest from readin’ the article in Tuesday’s USA Today. (I’m a white […]