In the wake of Sandy Hook, David Keene, President of the NRA, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation this morning. During the interview Bob Schieffer miopically declared that it has been shown in cultures where there are no guns, there is less gun violence. What Bob, and even Mr. Keene, failed to point […]
Category: Editorials
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre Says Obama Can Pay For Sandy Hook
And he’s exactly right. The freedom and independence, and unalienable rights, that are recognized by the constitution have already been paid for by far more and too much blood to be flushed down the toilet of histrionic socialists. In order to end WWII, the decision was made to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. […]
Rev. Jim Casey Doomsday Beer Truck Update | Marshall Herff Applewhite
I have made arrangements to procure a fully loaded beer truck in preparation for whatever comes tomorrow. Be advised. If you have not made your contribution, I cannot gaurantee your beer ration should you be left behind. POST EVENT RELIEF FUND (Or, go to Paypal and send your cash contribution to . Do it […]
Special Breaking News Alert Friday Doomsday Notice
This is a special 48 hour notice. Since we know that the world comes to an end on Friday, I have prepared a presentation to be posted at exactly 11:21 a.m. local time, if it is possible, when it is believed this event will occur. I cannot say with certainty exactly what will happen, or […]
Sandy Hook Tipping Point Constitutional Last Straw
Make no mistake. I am grieved by the loss of the innocent children and adults in the Sandy Hook massacre. Never-the-less, there are many, many complex issues involved other than basic safety and gun control – which are NOT synonymous. The attack on “disturbed” individuals is disturbing since the profile is arbitrary to begin with, […]
Alabama Representative Mike Ball Responds To Sandy Hook Challenge
When I read this article on featuring Alabama State Representative Mike Ball’s response to the Sandy Hook massacre, I decided to send him an email. Immediately below is his glib reply and following is the original email I sent him.
USA Today Chief Editor David Callaway Stinks Like Chinese Onion
I n response to USA Today editor-in-chief David Callaway’s editorial column: Kids died in Connecticut school shooting, but not in China attack. Column: Time to take a stand on gun control Dear USA Today, That’s satire right? Or is it mind boggling socialist / communist propaganda. So, your job is done, but not really. Too […]
Illegal Search And Siezure Of Texts By Law Enforcement
When I first noticed these illegal trends by “law enforcement” several years ago, I thought it was some kind of joke. You know, a training program about important values in our country, like a continuing adult education program. After awhile, the reality sank in deeper and deeper. Big Brother is playing no game. The attack […]
My Old Boots | New York Schools Long Schedule
An old pair of boots are comfortable and warm like a puppy dog or an old friend. After reading this morning that schools in several states are headed to a longer, nearly year around schedule, I recalled an column I wrote years ago when Huntsville did the same thing. My perspective hasn’t changed so I […]
The Doomsday Wrath Of Rev. Jim Casey
THE WORLD COMES TO AN END ON DECEMBER 21ST, 2012. THE FOOLS WILL LEARN. REPENT! AND SHOW YOUR GOOD WORKS THAT YOU SHALL BE REDEEMED! There are some things you can do to prepare. First, follow this link for step by step instructions: APOCALYPSE! WORLD COMES TO AN END DECEMBER 21st, REPENT YOU HEATHENS! Then, […]
Growing Some Funky Chinese Onions
I would like to say that I truly appreciate the candor of my three subsidiaries: The New York Times (Chinese News Site Cites Onion On Kim Jong Un Piece), The Onion, and The People’s Daily, in further exposing the importance of my work. Satire is an important mechanism whereby intelligent people are challenged to review […]
Homeless Deadbeats | Homeless Guru Kevin Barbieux | WHNT-19
Malice, hate, and greed never cease to amaze me. While I still am not a democrat, and consider Obama to be the inception of the communist era in the United States, I cannot comprehend republicans who denigrate and ridicule the unemployed as lazy, telling them to go to school, get out of their hammock, and […]