The brave young nubiles taking a stand for women everywhere. Then again, depending on your perspective, you might just see a touch of satire in Putin’s sanctions.
Category: Editorials
Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Control Ads
Heil Hitler Ratzinger! Farewell
Tough words. Still, there’s more to Ratzinger’s retirement than old age and disgrace over sexual abuse scandals. Or is there? First I must say, I am not Catholic and never have been.
Komando | Search | Ratzinger | Sequestration | PBS | All In One
Happy Friday! Slowed down a little this week from the usual political critiques to invest some time both on website maintenance, updates, and overdue computer fine-tuning. The site still needs a lot of tweeking and updating, but nothing super critical is outstanding. I’m figuring out ‘SEO,’ search engine optimization, which seems like a good idea, […]
Obama’s POTUS SOTU | Rubio’s Sacred Cow
Some pundits described Obama’s State of the Union address tonight as “conciliatory.” I’m not sure I understand the sentiment behind the perspective. I would have characterized the President’s remarks, in the wake of the election, almost as cliché, or maybe non-descript, and maybe more aptly as an introduction to Marco Rubio. Not that he didn’t […]
Inbox Me Dammit!
Old White Guys Reinvented
“Old White Guys” – sounds kinda racist, doesn’t it. For the record, I resent that term. Although I don’t affiliate with the Republican party, I am a white guy, but only considered old by half the population. There is much rhetoric these days about what the Republican party must do to reinvent itself to once […]
Obama Smoked One Joint Too Many
The rhetoric is false, deceptive, and dangerous. For Obama and the gun control nuts, this is still the United States of America, and there is still a constitutional process involved in changing policy and laws. The 2nd amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own a shotgun for hunting, it does recognize your unalienable right to […]
New York Secedes : A New Nation Dedicated To Genetic Profiling
For those of you grown accustomed to looking at the world though the cynical eyes of jaded satire – this isn’t satire. It is the real thing.
Corn Cob Mafia Starving Kids In Guatemala
I am shocked and saddened on both counts. Our energy use has already been called an addiction. Once started, consumption of human food resources to fuel vehicles will never stop.
Whew! New Year’s Respite | Your comments
December (and 2012) turned out to be quite a month. Doomsday, the impending fiscal cliff,
Doomsday Fiscal Cliff Bad Lucky New Year
If you thought you dodged the Doomsday beer truck, think again. There is something now looming on the immediate horizon that that not only threatens your beer ration, but promises to sour the milk prices for your precious Wheaties – THE FISCAL CLIFF! For the record, I never believed they would make a deal. The […]