Month: August 2015

EXPOSÉ | Profile: Lewis J. Morris Jr.

Mr. Morris the school principle, as it turns out, is the apparent father of Huntsville’s current police chief, Lewis J. Morris Jr. I have previously noted in this series that I first published the Exposé on January 1, 1998, and the epicenter was Madison Pike Elementary from the very beginning. Which is to say, in 1998 I had no idea that there was a Lewis J. Morris Jr., much less that he was a police officer, or that he would be headed for the office of Police Chief.

EXPOSÉ | Profile: Loretta Spencer

Loretta was in fact largely motivated by the extremist in the feminist movement. Most folks are familiar with the highly charged rhetoric in the abortion debate. Pro-choice women are often referred to as “femi-nazis” by pro-life advocates. While the rhetoric is sincere in it’s own context, few would expect that “femi-naziism” would extend beyond the abortion debate to actually include holocaust, genocide, eugenics, and ethnic cleansing – of people already born.

Trump The Debate Leader

The media pundits continue to speak out of both sides of their mouths as they declare on one hand that Donald Trump has struck a chord and is invigorating previously disenfranchised voters, while still claiming he is unfit, unworthy, inappropriate, can’t be taken seriously, doesn’t represent… ad nauseum.

Rand Paul True Patriot !!!

Rand Paul is right on. There is a system for surveillance, it’s called probable cause and a warrant. Hip Hop Crissy is too histrionic to make patriarcal decisions, he should spend more time not eating twinkies. Obamacare is a crop chop mess. Start over or dump it. The liberal endorsements by Trump years ago do […]