It was just a few days ago, August 25th, that marked one year since the passing of astronaut Neil Armstrong, first man to step foot on the moon. It still seems hard to believe. Not so much the passing of Neil Armstrong, but that the era he represents – probably better than even John F. […]
Year: 2013
The Wisdom Of Grasshopper
Rainbow Borg Uniformity Swallows Independence And Individualism
So, bitch, bitch, bitch, didn’t all them slaves bitch about broke up families and sending they baybee to be raised by someone else…
The Incarnate Evil Of Google
Google’s long held mantra of “do no evil” would seem laughable except that the breach of privacy is so egregious. Instead, I would refer to Google as incarnate evil – and already have.
Amazon Reigns In Washington Post
Commercialize, commercialize, commercialize. How many ways are there to commercialize? The thought is a little bit scary.
Not The Time For President Hillary Clinton
And I quote: “a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.”
Advice For The Royal Newborn
The Return Of Sputnik | A Letter To Mr. Putin
Somewhere Over The DOMA
At some point, you have to wonder whether what you have is a Roman orgy, or maybe it’s just a universal healthcare insurance co-op.
Barack Obama’s Historic Legacy – Camp Obamycare
THEY DID NOT DIE so that you would become a virtual prisoner in your own home, the only place you can actually be without being stalked or under surveillance, assuming you use no telecommunications.