Hollywood has also been too grateful to be critical. Just look at all those wonderful space films, and space monsters, and space crafts, and Star Trek, and aliens, and time warps, and macro scopes, and telescopes…
Year: 2001
One In A Million Billion Dollar Sky
LISTEN TO BILLION DOLLAR SKY IN MY FINEST RENDITION OF FARSEE https://tocc.tv/audio/billiondollarsky.mp3 One can little argue that the impact of the Trade Center bombings in New York on September 11 was felt by, and ultimately impacted, all Americans in some way. If you didn’t know someone who was killed in one of the towers, or […]
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P2
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P3
During the execution of Timothy, CBS News ran a tribute to the victims that
was unabashedly mellow dramatic. It isn’t that the victims don’t deserve consideration.