A perfect plantation system where you get only what you need to insure you’re productive for your duties, while eliminating personal discretion in just about everything you do, say, eat, or where you go. Healthy slaves is productive slaves.
Tag: Mexico
Pussy Riots Upended By Putin
The brave young nubiles taking a stand for women everywhere. Then again, depending on your perspective, you might just see a touch of satire in Putin’s sanctions.
Presidential Reality Check
The reality is, you have been lied to by both major political parties. Understanding what is important in this election depends on understanding what is real, and what is true. The United States economy is in decline. The fact is, since the inevitable lowering of trade barriers decades ago through NAFTA and GATT, jobs in […]
Ain’t Importing Slaves Already Illegal?
Atlanta Gives Homeless Niggers The Boot
Feminist whore and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wants to run off all them yard niggers in downtown Atlanta ’cause they don’t look good, or smell good, or behave jest like masser wants ’em too. Schoose me, some of dat dar’ dirty rubbed off jest from readin’ the article in Tuesday’s USA Today. (I’m a white […]