The Huntsville Depot gets spruced up on the solstice.
Tag: Cuckoo
Capitol Offense – Failure To Communicate
And, they blocked Mr. Trumps Twitter. Censorship by definition by someone who thinks they are in charge of government – they are not. Maybe it’s Twitter that should be called “Cuckoo” from now on.
The Great Sh*thole Debate Of 2018 – Tooo !!! Haaa !
Sometimes, there’s just no substitution for the public dialogue. It speaks for itself, but your perspective is your own. Here’s my collection of tweets about The Great Sh*thole Debate of 2018. Tooo !!! Haaa !
Tommy Battle, Lewis Morris And Systemic Municipal Corruption
That a jailer can’t see someone is dying because it’s too expensive to bother with, that a poorly trained police officer finds it more efficient to kill someone wielding a knife because it’s “in accordance with Departmental policies,” and he can get away with it, that gang violence in the jail can go totally unchecked allowing an innocent victim to be brutally murdered, that the promotion of Lewis Morris Jr. actually stands as an endorsement of child molestation and torture… are all the exemplary results of the attitude that Tommy Battle embraces.
Filling In The Blanks
Tinkering with my WordPress client a little at a time I realized that some folks subscribing to my HOT Uploads news feed might have missed some relevant content on the main site – (More on this a little later.) So I’ve made a list of links here to headlines there that you might want […]
The Gestapo’s Convenient Cover
Will Culver, also black and a former police officer, has decried the behaviour of both officers and voted against their reinstatement, while noting that the council had little choice in Brett Russell’s case because of the precedent set just a week ago in the PJ Lee case.
Gangland Execution Of Farron Barksdale?
After pleading guilty to killing two Athens, Alabama police officers in 1994, Farron Barksdale was sentenced to life in prison and subsequently transferred about two weeks ago to Kilby State Correctional Facility in South Alabama. Three days later he was found unconscious in his prison cell and declared to be suffering from a “heat” related […]
Mental Health System Corruption
Can there be any doubt that Ken Kesey’s classic account “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is not an unlikely scenario in today’s rampantly corrupt medical community? The corruption in the medical community overall ought to be obvious when one considers the odious reality that very nearly half of all American’s are on some kind […]
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest?
Two nights ago on Monday evening, I attended and spoke at a public forum held by North Alabama State lawmakers. The forum was broadcast by a local cable carrier, and for those viewers no additional explanation of my remarks will be needed. However, although the Huntsville Times actually did a better job of placing my […]