This live-stream walkabout is, in a lot of ways, about the transition of media, all media, from print and broadcast TV, to Internet digital. It’s also about Huntsville events and landmarks past, present and future, and a man whose elevator didn’t quite reach the top.
Post Term: network-tv
Casey V Stupid – Abortion War End
The Dareby Derby Shootout At 6409 Dare Aimus
2016.05.16 The Tribe Has Spoken …So Long Uncle Bamy
Barack Obama’s Mea Culpa Shake Shake Shake
At the time, I thought it odd that he would suddenly make a very deliberate effort to reach out and shake hands with what I assume to be a secret service agent. Could be a county detective, but even still, it seemed out of character to me. Either way, it seemed he was posing for my benefit, which might bring on some secondary possibilities that would explain his particularly magnanimous behavior – for a hack photographer and a shade tree website builder like myself.