Overcast skies threatened to put a damper on the party, however, Mr. Heston saved the day. Keeping in step with his omnipotent portrayal of Moses in “The Ten Commandments” he stepped to the microphone just as a light drizzle subsided and intoned “glad to do it.”
Post Term: movie
Labor Day Stew – SWOOSH !!! now in HD
Uppity White Folks Meet In Downtown Huntsville
Jonsen For The Oldies: Ronnie Milsap
Wynonna – How Great Thou Art
Whitesburg Bridge Demolition
About 60 Seconds
This section has a few fun videos to enjoy. But, while this is a “TV” Station, video stories are on hold for awhile since they require a lot of time, equipment and editing that I simply can’t afford right now. Take a look anyway, and if you haven’t viewed all the presentations, I’m sure youi’ll want to.
Absolute power corrupts absolute, and as I recall Ted Turner, wise man that he is, once called Christians “stupid.” He eventually apologized, but for what I don’t know. While Christians are foolishly attempting to take over government with religion, the potential grows for a flag burning amendment that would essentially set the stage for the dissolution of all basic constitutional rights to unravel like a braided sisal rope without a boy scout.