HSV City Bus Station Expansion

Site preparation for Huntsville City bus station expansion is underway where the Sherman concrete plant was previously located on Church Street.
Site preparation for Huntsville City bus station expansion is underway where the Sherman concrete plant was previously located on Church Street.

Site preparation for expansion of Huntsville’s super duper upscale city bus station actually got underway last week. The new digs will be in addition to the adjacent existing facility which will shift focus to bus maintenance.

Authorities say more routes are coming to serve increasing demand. Nowadays it’s hard to imagine that the Huntsville public transportation bus station was once located in the Depot Museum parking lot running two routes with mostly empty seats and little faith the new service would ever catch on.

The current service began around 30 years ago apparently with an eye to the future. Some experts suggest electric vehicles and the demise of the combustion engine vehicles will result in ever increasing demand for public transportation as expense and income wrestle to carve out new niches in the inner city transportation scene.

©2022 – Jim Casey

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