HARK! Two Stogies From The Vault

Barack Obama In Huntssville 2007

This old stogie kinda stinks. I’m pretty good with Adobe, so I can usually tease out a good shot. In this one, I had a brain fart, or was tired out or something, and my camera settings were all screwed up. To make matters worse, it was a very bright day with heavy shadows in a back alley creating very sharp contrast. So, even using the flash, the shot isn’t too great.

Barack Obama In Huntssville 2007

This shot was a little better. I never did find out if the guy Obama is shaking hands with was from the Heritage Club, a Secret Service Agent, or maybe a county deputy. Well, I got a shot of the big gun in these shots, both taken when he was still just campaigning here in Huntsville at the Heritage Club July of 2007.

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