Well. I got me a new phone. A Samsung Galaxy A21 something or another and it’s a humdinger. Or, should I say – a dandelion.
It’s got four camera lenses. Might call it a four wheeler. An all terrain vehicle to take video, panarama, depth, close up and macro. I took the dandelion shot with the macro but I think I was still to far away. How much is 5cm anyway?
This thing will help you spend your money. It’s got something called “NFC.” Near Field Communication works by loading your bankcard into the phone and then by tapping the phone on the card device near the cash register. Seems ironically antithetical to social distancing. No mask either, so I might actually try it.
It’s also got a fingerprint taker. Nope. And facial recognition. Does seem antithetical to wearing a mask, but – nope. Im pretty sure these are also communist plots.
It can be a video phone if I want. Probably not. I’m an old guy so I remember when they told us when we were kids that one day there would be a “picture phone” not much bigger than a bank card. Wow. It’s even got all kinds of colorful marmalade pictures that it shows on the screen.
It truly is a brave new word.
© 2021 – Jim Casey