The brave young nubiles taking a stand for women everywhere. Then again, depending on your perspective, you might just see a touch of satire in Putin’s sanctions.
Year: 2013
Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Control Ads
Huntsville Depot Ghost Train
A Clovis Point On Mars!
Eric Rudoph In Huntsville
Sirius Smiley
Heil Hitler Ratzinger! Farewell
Tough words. Still, there’s more to Ratzinger’s retirement than old age and disgrace over sexual abuse scandals. Or is there? First I must say, I am not Catholic and never have been.
Ratzinger Zero Tolerance
Dallas Humes Housefire
Dallas Water Tower Renovation
Komando | Search | Ratzinger | Sequestration | PBS | All In One
Happy Friday! Slowed down a little this week from the usual political critiques to invest some time both on website maintenance, updates, and overdue computer fine-tuning. The site still needs a lot of tweeking and updating, but nothing super critical is outstanding. I’m figuring out ‘SEO,’ search engine optimization, which seems like a good idea, […]