Tag: Mouse

Remembering Longtime Huntsville City Councilman Richard Showers Becomes A Step Back In Time

That’s when I got to know a little bit about Dr. Richard Showers. To be frank, that whole city council was a bunch of clowns. Dr. Showers, Glenn Watson, Bill Kling, Sandra Moon and Dick Hyatt were all up against an upstaging and strident Mayor Loretta Spencer. It didn’t matter what was on the meeting’s agenda, you were sure to get an entertaining show of some kind no matter.

I Am Here !!!

This is another of several lucky, and unexpected shots that I have gotten of hawks while out doing nature photography. Even though there’s a dirty little rodent that’s fixing to be the main course, you gotta love and respect the poetic beautify of nature.

Jes Suis’s Mouse?

In Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo and it’s continuing publication this Week, TOCC.tv is also making a special run. A million electronic copies of TOCC.tv will also be made available for distribution this Wednesday. Just email this page or a link to your friends around the world. And, if they don’t understand the pictures, they can use the search engine translator!