Hillary Hoo Sane’s Collage Again
Tag: Healthcare
Hoo Sane Obamy
Obama’s ACA Time Machine
Somewhere Over The DOMA
At some point, you have to wonder whether what you have is a Roman orgy, or maybe it’s just a universal healthcare insurance co-op.
Roberts Supreme Court Advances Ethnic Cleansing Under Obamacare
God bless Angelina Jolie if she wants to cut ‘em off to avoid a problem down the road. But would you have made the same decision?
Jimmy Jackson The Mouthpiece Of Whitesburg Baptist
I stand by my remarks because I believe so many pastors and Church’s have taken “preaching to itching ears” to a new level. And frankly, the jingoism is dangerous.
Boston Terrorism Style Gun Control
A perfect plantation system where you get only what you need to insure you’re productive for your duties, while eliminating personal discretion in just about everything you do, say, eat, or where you go. Healthy slaves is productive slaves.
NRA President David Keene Puts The 2nd Amendment On Slippery Slope
In the wake of Sandy Hook, David Keene, President of the NRA, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation this morning. During the interview Bob Schieffer miopically declared that it has been shown in cultures where there are no guns, there is less gun violence. What Bob, and even Mr. Keene, failed to point […]
Sandy Hook Tipping Point Constitutional Last Straw
Make no mistake. I am grieved by the loss of the innocent children and adults in the Sandy Hook massacre. Never-the-less, there are many, many complex issues involved other than basic safety and gun control – which are NOT synonymous. The attack on “disturbed” individuals is disturbing since the profile is arbitrary to begin with, […]
Romney Flip Flops On ACA
Not surprising. The fact is Romney never did intend to repeal the ACA, and now he’s throwing the election to Obama. The ACA is unconstitutional. John Roberts set the stage to dissolve the constitution by ignoring the procedural order of the compulsory requirement. There is no universal healthcare act. Poor folks still won’t have health […]
Romney Out Grinched By Romney
After months of assuring the republican rank and file he would – on his “first day” in office – repeal the entire ACA, Romney this week announced his support for “some parts” of the health care bill. It was after all his baby born in Michigan, grown to a toddler during Obama’s first term, and […]