The Only Girl At The Last Dance
And, I just want you to know
I went to the pier
And I played my songs
I waited, and I waited, and waited
And you never showed
I left each night
Lonely, tired and scared
Saw so many faces
Of the other ones there
Panhandlers, empty bottles and bums
I looked at their faces
Thinking maybe that’s him
And I thought afraid to myself
What if I end up like him
And you never showed
I played my songs anyway
I played my heart out
Like a beacon in the night
Cast upon the wind
Hoping, praying, they’d take flight
That they’d find you
But, you never showed
What did I do wrong
Was it in my song
I can’t wait this long
I tried so hard
I played every night
Right from my heart
I cried every night
Right from the start
And now, there’s something else
I want you to know
Those decisions I made
Just weren’t valid
Words in my mouth
Someone elses ballad
I’ve never been so sorry
For what someone else did
Loretta’s plank in her hand
When I was just a kid
And I never showed
I might have found you
In some other place
But the omni dream weaver
Kept changing the pace
And, I never showed
So now what can I do
The grass is growing
Another fine day, lost
My song empty
Because I never showed
©2021 – All rights reserved – Jim Casey