Bloomberg’s entry into the election may be the perfect answer for the Socialcrats… to loose the election.
Post Term: Bloomberg Runs
NYPD Golden Wings Steal The Pigskin
And just one more thing. I like Henry Louis Gates and his remake of “Roots.” And, I know some people may not think he is European enough, never-the-less, he is my nomination to be the next Cuban Ambassador. Now, Cosmo and Steve Harvey are gonna start aksing funny too. The moral of the story is: ain’t nobody straight, if everybody be aksing funny.
Obama Got Your Face
For the facial recognition record, it is my opinion that state legislator Mike Ball should shut his mouth and swallow his own cannabidiol oil.
Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Control Ads
Zero Tolerance Bloomberg
Bloomberg’s Disgusting Garbage
re: Today’s NYT’s Thousands March to Protest “Stop-and-Frisk” As described in today’s article, there isn’t any room for discussion – stop and frisk is unequivocally, blatantly, unconstitutional. The first answer to correct New York’s problems should be an indictment and prosecution of Michael Bloomberg for what is apparently tantamount to sedition. He doesn’t get to […]