Tweets 3 Oct
Jim Casey Campaign @caseycampaign
- Actually, I’m the winner. Obama beat Romney. Romney showed his fear by being too agressive to dominate. Obama stayed cool & caried the ball.
- Thank you Jim. You have a good night too. Thank you all for joining me. Now you know what’s going on. Write-in Jim Casey for president.
- Well, I am here to cancel Earnie and Bert as they have appeared tonight. I’m going to give you a job, and put a chicken in your pot.
- Education is failing because feminist teachers refuse to admit, they broke the family. Single moms, 2nd dad, latchkey kids are not prepared.
- When Chicago teachers strike making an average of 70k, money is clearly not the education problem.
- On my third day in office I’ll break the teacher’s union because they are greedy, unproductive, and teaching fascism not the constitution.
- On my second day in office, I’m going to have the sugar police arrest Bloomberg for seditious fascism.
- I want to go ahead and thank Jim Learner for his patience with the two buffoons. And, I think he would be a good vice president for me.
- I will repeal the ACA, ALL of the ACA, on my first day in office.
- Oh great. I have to pay for Sasha and Malia to hang out at home going to school, with illegal immigrants, while I can’t afford insurance.
- Flip flop flip flop flip flop
- Obviously, there was not enough regulation on Wall Street and the banks, or the M.I.C.
- Universal health care has to be universal or it’s not constitutional. The Medical Industrial Complex is OUT OF CONTROL. Caps and regulation.
- Why should I pay a penalty tax for your granny’s gout presciption when I can’t afford health insurance?
- Mr. Romney is being obnoxious not presidential.
- Obviously, corporate profit taking is the problem. They can pay more taxes, or pay more employees who will then pay taxes.
- I’ll cut subsidies to the welfare and education of illegal foreign nationals and give some of that to PBS.
- They are both lying about the decline of the American economy. We can no longer afford Wall Street greed & graft. Cutting PBS is just wrong.
- American imperialism is winding down. Military spending will be scaled back to accomodate retiring baby boomers.
- I think we should issue tax stamps on medical marijuana in the whole US, not just Alabama.
- Mr. Romney – you’re no Donald Trump!
- Eliminate tax deductions, and create a graduated flat tax based on income and escalating on high income. Romney can pay for his own kids.
- If the Chinese want to dump cheap solar panels subsidizing our energy for 25 years, and creating technician jobs, I’ll let em do that.
- It will aslo require tax reform for the wealthy and multinational companies who skim too much off the top.
- Jobs require production in the US, requiring strategic tariffs; and distribution of wealth, indicating overtime and exemption restructur …
- Get the truth here! As I participate in tonights debate: http://twitter.com/caseycampaign