“The Radio Show” is a concept I started developing many years ago when the Internet was still young and there was no such thing as a “pod cast.” At first I simply started including an audio rendition of certain columns in part as an alternative to video, which was still nearly impossible at that time.
Nowadays, of course, there’s all sorts of audio and video, download, streaming views, and live streaming, including live radio stations, all across the Internet – even SiriusXM radio is available via streaming on the Internet. While I’m certainly not the only person who foresaw the ultimate potential of the Internet as a multi-media platform, The Radio Show does seem to have a certain prophetic air about it.
These days I’m no longer investing the time to orate each column that I publish, but I still have a couple of dozen in the archives, some that were designated as “The Radio Show” and others that were simply “audio included,” that will eventually be categorized under this heading.
© 2013 – Jim Casey
www.tocc.tv Red HOT Uploads