Month: February 2017

"President" Trump Has Arrived

Unfortunately, the shtick and the catharsis, however well-intentioned and sincere they may actually be, won’t be enough to erase and “heal” the deeper and longer term injuries that both sides have endured over the years. And, as noted in the rebuttal, there are already issues to which even a moderate conservative such as myself can and does take umbrage with…

Donald Trump’s Historic REALTIME Tweets

Maybe it’s just sour grapes. That fact is, I couldn’t respond quickly enough to retweet for my 12 (?) followers, and so was upstaged by… Scott Pelley. How can I get more followers when I’m up against that kind of competition. Well, to CBS and all the others, you can count on this – as God is my witness – I will continue to do my part to proliferate the national hysteria when this phenomena happens again !!!

Mr. Trump’s Whirlwind Tour: “You Think This Country Is So Innocent?”

I could point out the “collateral” damage of innocent bystanders during our militaristic tirades,.. And, I could point out the obtuse decadence and indifference of billion dollars a minute Super Bowl commercials, and everything else in American culture, while there is poverty, hunger, and homelessness right here at home in the United States… ad nauseum.