Tag: News

Filling In The Blanks

Tinkering with my WordPress client a little at a time I realized that some folks subscribing to my HOT Uploads news feed might have missed some relevant content on the main site – www.tocc.tv. (More on this a little later.) So I’ve made a list of links here to headlines there that you might want […]

CRAP! Mitt Romney’s “Bane Capital”

(Whatever happened to the Hollywood movie “911” released a few months before 911?) Yesterday, and a few days before, the character “Bane” in the new Batman movie was scrutinized by news media as a deliberate reference by Hollywood – Warner Brothers, to Romney’s Bain Capital. Today, in the wake of the massacre in Aurora Colorado, […]

Roy Moore Leading The Blind Astray

Today’s newspaper reports that Roy Moore, (previously) Alabama’s “Ten Commandments” Supreme Court Chief justice is following in my footsteps declaring his approbation for and the virtues of the United States Constitution. His biggest concern is his perception that the states should have more authority than now afforded by the federal government. He is the Republican […]

Mental Health System Corruption

Can there be any doubt that Ken Kesey’s classic account “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is not an unlikely scenario in today’s rampantly corrupt medical community? The corruption in the medical community overall ought to be obvious when one considers the odious reality that very nearly half of all American’s are on some kind […]

II) CBS News Make Over

I see with consternation and sadness that Dan Rather is throwing in the towel at CBS once and for all. I hadn’t realized how old Dan is until all the raucous over his tenure had come up lately. Seventy-four has even got Paul McCartney beat. Frankly, I think Dan got a raw deal in the […]

Huntsville’s Bicentennial

Click on the photograph for a panoramic showing where the new bicentennial fountain SHOULD be located. Bye Centennial apparently is the correct connotation for the activities and “celebrations” to be associated with Huntsville’s bicentennial year of 2005. As Huntsvillian’s know, Huntsville was first founded in 1805 in and around the Big Spring downtown. There is […]