Photo Caption Gabby Giffords Kool
Tag: Moo
Charlie Bo Bo – We Be Cool Too!
The Rat Twins Meet TIRRDOC
The Rat Twins – Mark and Scott Kelly
Barack Obama Bo Bo
Charlie Bo Bo – We Cool…
Jes Suis Liberte!
Jes Suis’s Mouse?
In Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo and it’s continuing publication this Week, is also making a special run. A million electronic copies of will also be made available for distribution this Wednesday. Just email this page or a link to your friends around the world. And, if they don’t understand the pictures, they can use the search engine translator!
Roy Moore Leading The Blind Astray
Today’s newspaper reports that Roy Moore, (previously) Alabama’s “Ten Commandments” Supreme Court Chief justice is following in my footsteps declaring his approbation for and the virtues of the United States Constitution. His biggest concern is his perception that the states should have more authority than now afforded by the federal government. He is the Republican […]