Jim Casey goes live walkabout again in downtown Huntsville starting at the Calhoun House historic marker where the last walkabout in this series left off. Watch the video for more commentary and information, and to see all the historic scenes in this remarkably small half-mile stretch in downtown Huntsville, Alabama.
Tag: Europe
My Daddy’s “Emancipation” Proclamation
The cold war served up some sobering realities: “He says then, you don’t have to, and she’s not going to tell you twice. But know this, he says, if you don’t henceforth thereafter you will be ’emancipated.'”
Gabby Giffords Kool
Charlie Bo Bo – We Be Cool Too!
The Rat Twins Meet TIRRDOC
The Rat Twins – Mark and Scott Kelly
Barack Obama Bo Bo
Charlie Bo Bo – We Cool…
Jes Suis Liberte!
Jes Suis’s Mouse?
In Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo and it’s continuing publication this Week, TOCC.tv is also making a special run. A million electronic copies of TOCC.tv will also be made available for distribution this Wednesday. Just email this page or a link to your friends around the world. And, if they don’t understand the pictures, they can use the search engine translator!