For the facial recognition record, it is my opinion that state legislator Mike Ball should shut his mouth and swallow his own cannabidiol oil.
Tag: Economy
The Conspiracy To Murder Kelly Thomas
Photograph of Kelly Thomas’ injuries inflicted by Fullerton California police. The photograph was taken by Ron Thomas, a former Orange County Sheriff’s deputy and the victim’s father, on July 6, 2011 at UC Irvine Medical Center. Cathy Thomas, the victim’s mother, settled with Orange County last summer for $1 million, while Ron Thomas has vowed […]
Hillary Hoo Sane’s Collage Again
Hoo Sane Obamy
Obama’s ACA Time Machine
…and use it to blindside the American public with unconstitutional constrictions, requirements, and compulsions that would make Hitler and Mussolini argue over which way the swastika is blowing.
Not The Time For President Hillary Clinton
And I quote: “a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.”
Jimmy Jackson The Mouthpiece Of Whitesburg Baptist
I stand by my remarks because I believe so many pastors and Church’s have taken “preaching to itching ears” to a new level. And frankly, the jingoism is dangerous.
Pussy Riots Upended By Putin
The brave young nubiles taking a stand for women everywhere. Then again, depending on your perspective, you might just see a touch of satire in Putin’s sanctions.
Heil Hitler Ratzinger! Farewell
Tough words. Still, there’s more to Ratzinger’s retirement than old age and disgrace over sexual abuse scandals. Or is there? First I must say, I am not Catholic and never have been.
Illegal Search And Siezure Of Texts By Law Enforcement
When I first noticed these illegal trends by “law enforcement” several years ago, I thought it was some kind of joke. You know, a training program about important values in our country, like a continuing adult education program. After awhile, the reality sank in deeper and deeper. Big Brother is playing no game. The attack […]
Biden Paybacks Be Crazy
Biden Puts The Chains on Ryan! Talk about media bias. If you are not aware, I generally watch CBS for news and political information. Not that I always agree with them, I don’t. But I really couldn’t abide a steady dose of an onion breath radish like Martha Radditz – yuck! The bias of which […]