Historic period reconstruction building demolished at the Huntsville Depot museum.
Tag: Early Works
Bicentennial Park And More Downtown Attractions In Huntsville
This live stream walkabout focuses on downtown attractions in Huntsville and includes construction progress on the new Municipal building, as well as attractions including HSV Bicentennial Park, Early Works Museum, Constitution Village, Tallulah Bankhead birthplace, Harrison Brothers Hardware, First National Bank and more!
Slum Lord Unregulated: Tommy Battle
Mayor Battle Tear That Building Down!
Which really just leaves a bunch of unanswered questions. Who owns the property? Is there even any hope of restoring the building? How can the City ignore what has become not just an eyesore, but an extremely dangerous attractive nuisance? (There was a death in the building recently, about 2 years ago, that was investigated as a suicide.) Early Works recently indicated that funding has been received in order to do major renovations to Constitution Hall Park, but no mention of the Historic Huntsville Freight Building was made.
New York Times Belies The Point On Eugenics, Genomics And Racism
WTF Batman? Is that quote from something Jim Hudson said at the opening of the Hudson Alpha Institute For Biotechnology?
My 2012 Christmas Card For YOOOOOO!
Huntsville’s Bicentennial
Click on the photograph for a panoramic showing where the new bicentennial fountain SHOULD be located. Bye Centennial apparently is the correct connotation for the activities and “celebrations” to be associated with Huntsville’s bicentennial year of 2005. As Huntsvillian’s know, Huntsville was first founded in 1805 in and around the Big Spring downtown. There is […]