I could point out the “collateral” damage of innocent bystanders during our militaristic tirades,.. And, I could point out the obtuse decadence and indifference of billion dollars a minute Super Bowl commercials, and everything else in American culture, while there is poverty, hunger, and homelessness right here at home in the United States… ad nauseum.
Tag: Bandwidth
The NRA’s Gun Totin’ Weirdos
And besides, who ever heard of sauntering into the old west saloon with a long gun in the first place? Surely you watch TV. In all the westerns I’ve seen, when the cowboy crashes through the swinging saloon doors with a rifle, he’s either looking for the bad buy so he can shoot him, or he is the bad guy and he’s gonna shoot somebody. Either way, he isn’t looking for trouble, he is trouble.
USA Today Chief Editor David Callaway Bows To King Content
I usually don’t have comments on too much of this stuff, but this time I especially give kudos to USA Today for eliminating the obnoxious and unnecessary page breaks that often seemed to occur after every paragraph.
Media Telecom Racketeering
WEB DEVELOPERS are trying too hard to reinvent the same page that looks the same, and essentially functions the same, as it did when it weighed only 10% of the newer version. IE 9 & 10 are only the focal point of a racketeering conspiracy to render a perfectly functional, older, computer obsolete, thereby extorting […]