Special Courts Are Bad Policy And Unconstitutional

I have never supported the idea of specialized courts; drug court, mental health court and now Madison County is introducing Veteran’s court.

As it starts, it’s one thing to say there should be a judge with specialized knowledge of how the law is already supposed to apply to people with particular problems. It’s another thing altogether to say certain classes, or castes, of people should have their own path through the legal system. With drugs, with mental health, which would also include a veteran with PTSD, the specialized court at least appears to be based on some specific, individual, difference already recognized under law.

With a special court and path through the legal system just for veteran’s it appears that the county has literally created a caste. To the extent that it is literal, it is unconstitutional. Either way it’s a propaganda slippery slope.

The bottom line is that the special courts are bad policy and conflicts of interest at face value