Pussy Riots Upended By Putin

By now all have heard of the Russian Pussy Riots. The girl band by the same name that is. It seems that Russian President Vladimir Putin was nonplussed by the raucous, dissident, irreverent, feminist girl band and sent some of the showgirls to spend two years in prison. It isn’t known whether they’ll be exiled to Siberia.

Some look upon the incident as the feminist march to equality in Russia. The brave young nubiles taking a stand for women everywhere. Then again, depending on your perspective, you might just see a touch of satire in Putin’s sanctions as being an indication to the rest of the Western world, and in particular the United States, that … well, the Pussy Riots are indeed upended once and for all.

Looking at the overall economy, both globally and in the United States, one can surmise that the golden age of economic prosperity is slowing down to an eternal dull roar, once and for all. Most of the world has reached industrial maturity, and even though some countries are still in the catch up phase, like India, China, and Russia, the fact is that the global expansion and economy have already arrived. Much of the rest of future history will be leveling out, narrowing margins, and ultimately dealing with the inevitability of zero sum growth. Many complain that the United States shouldn’t have to loose it’s wealth to some still in the catch up club, like Mexico. But the fact is, we were benefiting from an unbalanced economic equation to start with.

In the United States, women essentially rode on the coattails of black minority rights, and the expansion and industrialization of medical care that almost rendered child bearing obsolete. During the sexual revolution of the 60s, perhaps more aptly also referred to as the Pussy Riots, women became unencumbered by marriage and children to pursue their wildest dreams and imaginations of breaking through the corporate glass ceiling. Babe arrived, while baby took a back seat, or got a job selling vacuum cleaners.

Perhaps no too unfortunately, the feminist panacea was fatally flawed from the very beginning. Oh sure, there are countless numbers of feminists who have succeeded and been successful at family, careers, husbands, and boyfriends. I saw some of them on the CBS Morning Show recently giving a review of Mark Zuckerberg’s sister’s, Randi Zuckerberg, new book “Lean In.” And of course, there are still the feminist crusaders who are really just artifacts from the Utopian ideas of the not really recent past. Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, and …Ellie Smeal? Well, I don’t know about that one. Last I heard she was being dragged off the capital steps in Washington to be arrested and apparently never to be heard from again.

The fatal flaw is in the economics. Because, all them girls set out to get an Ivy League education, and along with that came an Ivy League husband. The well to do girls married the well to do boys, and the middle class evaporated as the little girl grunts married the little boy grunts. So, even as more wealth floated to the top, all the boys and girls were learning about divorce and personal actualization. The well to do boys and girls can afford to live separate lives and pay for messy divorces, nanny’s, and housekeepers. The grunt kids, however, couldn’t afford to live together, much less apart, but still embracing the new liberal culture, couldn’t stand to live together either way.

I saw the numbers beginning to emerge twenty-five years ago, long before the ‘great recession’ mind you. The first symptom of all that new gotten freedom was a rise in poverty and homelessness in general. Then the numbers started to show a larger percentage of women and children, single parent families to be politically correct, falling completely off the ladder to their new found freedom in poverty and homelessness too. I’ve said before, Maud got hers, and she never really cared about her sisters to begin with. And by ‘sisters,’ I don’t necessarily mean minority types, because nowadays, the folks on entitlements are just as likely to be white. Then again, white is just barely short of being a minority.

But, the economics get worse. Here come the retiring baby boomers. You know, the ones who resulted from the prosperity of the 50s and the halo of glory after WWII. All of sudden, we have to pay for the entitlements of all the old people, while jobs are being sucked overseas and the world economy is in decline. So, in order to pay for the entitlements, and forestall eating out of garbage cans, women have been set free to work, whether they want to or not, mostly in dead end pink collar jobs, retail, and burger joints, most of which now pay less than they did forty years ago.

To add insult to injury, they have a plan for additional competition for even low wage jobs as illegal immigrants continue to flood the country. Now that the Republicans are on the illegal immigration amnesty bandwagon, a slave labor caste will be officially created. Another good way to pay for the largess of the ‘greatest generation.’

Oh but lest we forget the social costs of the Pussy Riots in America. The feminist movement has done quite a lot of damage in other social areas as well: divorced broken families, single moms, and latchkey kids all add up to a bunch of messed up kids who lack discipline and wholesome family experiences; falling test scores, failing schools, obesity for kids and adults alike as everyone eats at McDonald’s instead of preparing healthy meals at home, increased anxiety and other symptomatic problems resulting in a call for Ritalin, school uniforms, and ultimately school lock-downs.

The education failure isn’t just from home either. The United States is fastly becoming incapable of competing against the newly emerging economies of the world. They’re graduates are not only better prepared for competition in the professional sectors, often right in this country, but they are graduating exponentially more professional degrees than the United States as well. So, while Maud and her husband seem to be doing OK for now, their days of relative prosperity are actually numbered too.

In the mean time, the grunt kids are tired of living on the edge, they want health care, and safer streets to walk on, and more and more they don’t care if they have to violate someone else’s rights to ensure their own well-being. The lab rats tell the tale. When all them starving little critters are put together in one tight little space, they start picking up guns and killing each other. And so, perhaps the final solution for the Pussy Riots will be socialism, gun control, constitutional dissolution, and a police state courtesy fascist Big Brother.

Yep. You’ve come a long way baby. I guess that what you get when the Pussy Riots start Putin on the Ritz.

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