Whew! New Year’s Respite | Your comments

December (and 2012) turned out to be quite a month. Doomsday, the impending fiscal cliff, and of course Christmas contributed to a prolific month on www.tocc.tv.

Fortunately, for all the possible disasters, all turned out pretty well so far. And so, while a couple of things already slipped off my desk this week, I’ve enjoyed a little break just getting back to a normal pace both online and off.

The coming months already promise to be critically important to informed readers, citizens, and the future of our country with debate over the budget cap already brewing, gun control nuts blowing smoke, and the stirrings of the 2016 election already evident. Stay tuned!

Web Site Fine Tuning
I’ve adjusted some settings on the website to allow your comments without “registering” as a subscriber. Now you can simply post a comment using your name and email. Once your first comment is approved, any additional comments will appear immediately. The screen is required because of spam, but I’ve minimized the process and no personal information is required.

I’m still figuring out WP and PHP but now I now see the additional changes and fine tuning that I will be making in the weeks ahead to make the site, and the mobile site, optimized for function, efficiency, and speed.

Thanks for visiting, and Happy New Year!

© 2013 – Jim Casey
www.tocc.tv Red HOT Uploads