Tag: Supreme Court

The Rigged Affirmative Action Election

The media certainly does have a penchant for acting dumb, especially when it comes to important issues and rigged elections. Donald Trump continues to tell the voters and the media that the election is rigged. And it is, by Donald Trump. The reality is, the republicans played their game to posture Donald Trump as Hillary’s […]

Donald J Trump… YOU ARE FIRED !!!

Never-the-less, Trump just screwed the pooch and it cannot be overlooked or allowed. His failure to acknowledge the real issues, pandering instead the the already over militarized municipal police departments in this country, casts serious doubt over whether he really intends to fix the problems of economics, and i.e. classicism. In short, he no longer is the working man’s president – just a racist fascist. I am conservative, and I truly had hoped for better, but cannot accept that kind of garbage as my president.

Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump

Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump has been working overtime. First, he threatened to call a meeting of the second amendment people to facilitate a resolve to the situation with Hillary. Then, he started talking about some sort of orderly plan based on bad Mexican people vs. ok Mexican people vs. good Mexican people to determine which ones and how many at a time will be thrown back over the new wall – once it’s built – that Mexico is going to pay for. Then he stepped on some colored toes by explaining to the black folks that in many ways the democratic dynasty of JFK hasn’t exactly been a resounding success for them. Some of the black folks didn’t agree, but they didn’t hang around too long because they were out looking for a place to eat pizza.

A Rare Conundrum: No Justice Is Good Justice

The constitution is the infrastructure that paved the way, in spite of human corruption, to advance civil rights and social parity. Those who are drunk on their new found accountability cannot be allowed to throw the baby out with the bathwater because of the lingering chip on their shoulders – or their skewed perspective of a blustery politician.

Donald Trump’s No Fly List | SCOTUS Radicalized

In Huntsville, the Lee High School Bus Massacre that happened on November 20, 2006 is exactly the type of “911” domestic terrorism event that is accepted as an “accident” because of the cultism involved. Never-the-less, this type of event cultivates acceptance of the government radicalization that we are now seeing. ALL domestic terrorism events must be recognized for what they are and investigated by Homeland Security in order to end the bloody crusades that underlie the events.

It Is Written | Damn Roy Moore

Roy Moore lost his license a long time ago. If he and the Alabama Supreme Court can’t come up with a valid legal argument based on the US Constitution, it’s simply time to accept that separation of Church and State and the integrity of the US Constitution is more important than Roy Moore’s fear of the apocalypse.

Jim Casey’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead

These three tectonic events indicate massive cultural changes that are inevitable and irreversible, and a prelude to the next five hundred years, and beyond, when human kind will be forced to grapple with even more sweeping tectonic changes that will include an acceleration of major population shifts from coastal areas. These changes will elicit critical and difficult challenges in producing and maintaining the natural resources requisite to the very survival of Man – including the fundamental basics of water and food.

Jim’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead

The apocalypse has apparently begun in earnest, as the leader of the flat earth society, Pope Frank, recently broke earth shaking ground in an unprecedented manner recognizing the immanent nature of global warming. And, in the wake of the Charleston S.C. massacre by Dylann Hood that left nine black people dead at the Emanuel AME […]