Tag: Satire

Growing Some Funky Chinese Onions

I would like to say that I truly appreciate the candor of my three subsidiaries: The New York Times (Chinese News Site Cites Onion On Kim Jong Un Piece), The Onion, and The People’s Daily, in further exposing the importance of my work. Satire is an important mechanism whereby intelligent people are challenged to review […]

Freedom Of Speech

The uprisings in Libya that left US Ambassador Chris Stevens dead are said to have been because of Islamic sensitivities over an Internet video satire of Moohamad produced by an American. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to believe that the problem lies in the unalienable right of freedom of speech as recognized by the […]

Filling In The Blanks

Tinkering with my WordPress client a little at a time I realized that some folks subscribing to my HOT Uploads news feed might have missed some relevant content on the main site – www.tocc.tv. (More on this a little later.) So I’ve made a list of links here to headlines there that you might want […]