Tag: Mormon

Jim Casey’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead

These three tectonic events indicate massive cultural changes that are inevitable and irreversible, and a prelude to the next five hundred years, and beyond, when human kind will be forced to grapple with even more sweeping tectonic changes that will include an acceleration of major population shifts from coastal areas. These changes will elicit critical and difficult challenges in producing and maintaining the natural resources requisite to the very survival of Man – including the fundamental basics of water and food.

Jim’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead

The apocalypse has apparently begun in earnest, as the leader of the flat earth society, Pope Frank, recently broke earth shaking ground in an unprecedented manner recognizing the immanent nature of global warming. And, in the wake of the Charleston S.C. massacre by Dylann Hood that left nine black people dead at the Emanuel AME […]

Marriage Is Obsolete – No More Two For One Benefit Discount For Breeders

What about the Mormon’s? Ain’t they a group? That old bigamy trick isn’t exactly new in the annals of human history. I can’t really come up with a reason why equal protection, as described by Ginny Granade wouldn’t apply to group marriages as well. Since marriage doesn’t have to be about procreation, isn’t it possible to love more than one person at a time? Would Judge Ginny deny equal protection to group love? Ain’t she a good hippie?