Tag: Freedom of Speech

THIRD TERM! Obama Trumps Election With Executive Order

Really, for all the circus posturing, I see the red flags flying over the big tent that say – hay, wait a minute, this is a free election in the greatest democracy the world has ever known, and they want to eliminate the most popular of presidential candidates, because they don’t like what he has to say about the most important and persistent political issues in the public’s mind? It’s absurd! It’s messed up! It’s unAmerican! It’s a threat to democracy, to free elections, and whatever pretense of constitutional government we have left – and it’s potentially a prelude to socialist dictatorship.

Benito Albarran: Shades of Farron Barksdale And Systemic Penal Corruption

Isn’t killing a police officer serious? Of course it is, and I’m not making excuses for Albarran. But, the very fact that we have a civilized system that includes an organized method of determining the disposition of crime, and that that system includes police officers who go about doing their job – hopefully in a civilized manner – is the same system that by definition says that even convicts are not to be killed, or allowed to commit suicide, while in prison.

Freedom Of Speech

The uprisings in Libya that left US Ambassador Chris Stevens dead are said to have been because of Islamic sensitivities over an Internet video satire of Moohamad produced by an American. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to believe that the problem lies in the unalienable right of freedom of speech as recognized by the […]