Special Breaking News Alert Friday Doomsday Notice

This is a special 48 hour notice. Since we know that the world comes
to an end on Friday, I have prepared a presentation to be posted at
exactly 11:21 a.m. local time, if it is possible, when it is believed
this event will occur.

I cannot say with certainty exactly what will happen, or who will be
left behind, who may descend into Hades, or who will ascend unto the
streets of gold.

However, this special presentation will offer some perspective that
you will find… helpful.

So, be sure to check back here on Friday, at 11:21 a.m., if you are
able, for this enlightening information.

After that, additional information and instructions will be dispensed
on this web-site, depending on the extent of Doomsday event.

God be with you and good luck.

— The Rev. Jim Casey

© 2012 – Jim Casey
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