Historic Depot Freight Building Fire


We will never pass this way again, simply put, because the
train don’t stop here anymore.

Of course, the passenger train hasn’t stopped at the Huntsville Depot for many years, and
although freight trains still run down this track, little freight is downloaded
here anymore either.

At one point it was said that this Historic building was the oldest operating railroad building in the United States. No more.

Tragically, fire ripped through this empty shell in the predawn hours of March 11, leaving little more that three naked brick walls. Reports indicate that arson is the culprit.

Some would suggest that the burning of the historic building was an organized crime, and for
illicit and short sighted gain. The Historic Huntsville Foundation claims to have been attempting renovation of the building, however, ownership was still apparently that of Norfolk Southern.

In a country that has few historic monuments and a relatively short history, this is truly a tragic loss.

The Huntsville City Planning Commission, Norfolk Southern, and the Historic preservationists need to come together to facilitate a plan to save what is left of the monument. If Norfolk Southern and the future plans for Huntsville won’t allow to eliminate the active sidetracks, thereby making the building accessible to the public, then be done with it and tear it down.

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Historic Depot Freight Building Fire

Of course, the passenger train hasn’t stopped at the Huntsville Depot for many years, and
although freight trains still run down this track, little freight is downloaded
here anymore either.

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Which really just leaves a bunch of unanswered questions. Who owns the property? Is there even any hope of restoring the building? How can the City ignore what has become not just an eyesore, but an extremely dangerous attractive nuisance? (There was a death in the building recently, about 2 years ago, that was investigated as a suicide.) Early Works recently indicated that funding has been received in order to do major renovations to Constitution Hall Park, but no mention of the Historic Huntsville Freight Building was made.

Huntsville City Depot Transportation Bus Station Complex Maps

Alternative Text

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Huntsville Depot Freight Building Removed

Huntsville Depot Freight Building Removed

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